AUTH PROJECT is a full-stack web application built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React,
Node.js) stack.
It provides user authentication and authorization features, allowing users to register, login, update
their profile, change password, reset password, and more.
Code Deployment: Git & GitHub
Host: Vercel & Render
Introducing my Todo Web App portfolio project! Crafted with React and styled using Chakra UI, it
offers a user-friendly experience. Create, delete, update, and read tasks seamlessly in a visually
appealing interface.
Code Deployment: Git & GitHub
Host: Vercel
Shopfic is an ongoing portfolio project aimed at creating a modern and responsive e-commerce website.
The project is currently in progress and focuses on utilizing various technologies and libraries to
build a dynamic and visually appealing online shopping experience.
Code Deployment: Git & GitHub
Host: Vercel
This project is a simple stopwatch built using JavaScript to practice asynchronous programming with
the setInterval and clearInterval Web APIs. The stopwatch includes features such as start, stop,
reset, and displays the timer in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
Code Deployment: Git & GitHub
Host: Vercel
This is a simple yet powerful BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator built using JavaScript. It not only
calculates BMI based on height and weight but also provides additional features such as category
colorization, height conversion from centimeters to meters and feet to meters, and weight conversion
from pounds to kilograms. Additionally, it includes options for specifying gender (male or female) and
age input.
Code Deployment: Git & GitHub
Host: Vercel
This project is a simple JavaScript project that generates random colors in both HEX and RGB formats.
The project includes features such as start, stop functionality, the ability to copy the generated
color code, and a display of the generated color.
Code Deployment: Git & GitHub
Host: Vercel